Nikola Tesla konačno počinje da privlači pažnju i uzrokuje ozbiljne dileme sirom sveta i to sve skoro 70 godina posle smrti. Svet se pita: Da li je on stvarno postojao? Da li je bio Ludak ? ili je bio deo ranog eksperimenta korporativno – vladine kontrole nad stanovnistvom planete?
Mi znamo da je on nesumnjivo progonjen od distributera energije Tomasa Edisona , za koga smo učili u školi da je bio genije . On je takođe napadan od strane JP Morgana i drugih velikih kompanija. Posle smrti 7. januara 1943, američka vlada je zaplenila svo njegovo naučno istraživanje i do današnjeg dana nista od ovog istraživanja nije dostupno javnosti.
Ali, hajde da pogledamo šta je Nikola Tesla -čovek koji je umro slomljen i sam – zapravo dao svetu. Bolje ili na lošije , sa ili bez kredita , on je promenio lice planete na način koji možda nijedan čovek nikada nije i nece .
Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death. Was he for real? A crackpot? Part of an early experiment in corporate-government control?
We know that he was undoubtedly persecuted by the energy power brokers of his day — namely Thomas Edison, whom we are taught in school to revere as a genius. He was also attacked by J.P. Morgan and other “captains of industry.” Upon Tesla’s death on January 7th, 1943, the U.S. government moved into his lab and apartment confiscating all of his scientific research, and to this day none of this research has been made public.
Besides his persecution by corporate-government interests (which is practically a certification of authenticity), there is at least one solid indication of Nikola Tesla’s integrity — he tore up a contract with Westinghouse that was worth billions in order to save the company from paying him his huge royalty payments.
But, let’s take a look at what Nikola Tesla — a man who died broke and alone — has actually given to the world. For better or worse, with credit or without, he changed the face of the planet in ways that perhaps no man ever has.
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