среда, 13. новембар 2013.


Познати магазин "Популарна механика", који је почео да излази 1902. године, седам година касније обелоданио је предвиђање једног од најблиставијих умова у историји да се једног дана људи неће одвајати од направе којом ће једни с другима општити на даљину: "Биће једино неопходно имати јефтин уређај, не већи од часовника, који ће носиоцу омогућити да чује ма где био, на мору или на копну, хиљадама километара далеко. Човек може слушати или одашиљати речи или музику до најудаљенијих кутака света. На исти начин ће слати слике, цртеже или списе с једног места на друго. Биће могуће руковати милионима таквих направа из једне станице".
И што је најважније: без жица, на ма ком растојању!
Зар то не звучи познато?!
Ако се узме у обзир да су се на списку састављеном 2000. године гласањем у Међународном институту електронских и електро инжењера (IEEE) Никола Тесла и Михајло Пупин (познат по "Пупиновим калемовима који су омогућили телефонирање на већим удаљеностима) нашли међу десет најзначајнијих научника свих времена у области комуникације, онда нашем роду с нешто више од хиљадитог делића у светском становништву припада чак петина целокупних интернетских заслуга!
"Никола Тесла је био способан да предвиди технологију која се данас још усавршава. Он је доста говорио и о својој великој страсти - бежичном преносу енергије. Потребно је доста времена да се у томе успе, али рад на таквим пројектима се управо одвија у лабораторијама MIT-а, Intela и других истраживачких центара", подсећа Сет Порџес, уредник за технологију у поменутом магазину. У свом првом броју, у јануару 1902. "Популарна механика" пренела је, под насловом "Без жица у будућности", виђење генијалног научника и проналазача са страница прослављеног дневника "Њујорк тајмс". Уз објашњење да је он у стању да предвиди како ће изгледати стотину година доцније технологије које су тада биле тек у повоју.


среда, 10. јул 2013.


Da je živ, Tesla bi danas imao 157 godina. 
Neka ova slika koja odnedavno kruži internetom a koja je u posedu nekoga u Srbiji, obeleži dan kada je rođen čovek koji je zadužio ljudsku civilizaciju promenivši joj budućnost.

четвртак, 13. јун 2013.


„Hteo sam da osvetlim čitavu Zemlju. U njoj je dovoljno elektriciteta da postane novo Sunce. Svetlost bi sijala oko polutara kao prsten oko Saturna.“   

"I wanted to bring to light the entire earth. It is enough electricity to become the new sun. The light would radiate around the equator of the ring around Saturn. "

недеља, 9. јун 2013.


“S vremena na vreme, u retkim intervalima, Veliki duh otkrića silazi na zemlju da saopšti neku tajnu koja treba da unapredi čovečanstvo. Bira najbolje pripremljenog, najzaslužnijeg i šapuće mu tajnu na uho. Dragoceno saznanje dolazi kao bljesak svetlosti. Kad shvati skriveno značenje, srećni izabranik vidi čudesnu promenu: pred njegovim ushićenim očima je jedan novi svet, jedva da naslućuje sličnost sa starim. To nije prolazna iluzija, puka igra njegove razigrane mašte ili fantom od izmaglice koja će se razići. Čuda koja vidi, koliko god da izgledaju udaljena, ostaće ovde. On to zna, nema ni senke sumnje u njegovom umu, svakim delićem svog tela on oseća: to je Velika ideja.”

Nikola Tesla u “Belešci o Kabaneljasovom patentu br. 164 995”
negde oko 1904. godine

субота, 8. јун 2013.

петак, 7. јун 2013.


Nikola Tesla konačno počinje da privlači pažnju i uzrokuje ozbiljne dileme sirom sveta i to sve skoro 70 godina posle  smrti. Svet se pita: Da li je on stvarno postojao? Da li je bio Ludak ? ili je bio deo ranog eksperimenta korporativno – vladine kontrole nad stanovnistvom planete?
Mi znamo da je on nesumnjivo progonjen od distributera energije  Tomasa Edisona , za koga smo učili u školi da je bio genije . On je takođe napadan od strane JP Morgana i drugih velikih kompanija.  Posle smrti  7. januara 1943, američka vlada je  zaplenila svo njegovo naučno istraživanje i do današnjeg dana nista od ovog istraživanja nije  dostupno  javnosti.
Ali, hajde da pogledamo šta je Nikola Tesla -čovek koji je umro slomljen i sam – zapravo dao svetu. Bolje ili na lošije , sa ili bez kredita , on je promenio lice planete na način koji možda nijedan čovek nikada nije i nece .

 Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death. Was he for real? A crackpot? Part of an early experiment in corporate-government control?
We know that he was undoubtedly persecuted by the energy power brokers of his day — namely Thomas Edison, whom we are taught in school to revere as a genius. He was also attacked by J.P. Morgan and other “captains of industry.” Upon Tesla’s death on January 7th, 1943, the U.S. government moved into his lab and apartment confiscating all of his scientific research, and to this day none of this research has been made public.
Besides his persecution by corporate-government interests (which is practically a certification of authenticity), there is at least one solid indication of Nikola Tesla’s integrity — he tore up a contract with Westinghouse that was worth billions in order to save the company from paying him his huge royalty payments.
But, let’s take a look at what Nikola Tesla — a man who died broke and alone — has actually given to the world. For better or worse, with credit or without, he changed the face of the planet in ways that perhaps no man ever has.

недеља, 28. април 2013.


By Commander X
Commander X delves into the secret time travel experiments of Nikola Tesla.  Long before the disastrous Philadelphia Experiment, partially based on Tesla-technology, Nikola Tesla discovered by accident the secrets of traveling through time and the inherent dangers of tampering with the cosmic framework that governs the laws of time and space.

 I have long been an admirer of the great inventor Nikola Tesla. That should come to no surprise to anyone who has read some of my previous books.  Here was a man whose genius was far beyond the great minds of his day.  He had an intellect that at times seemed almost unearthly. I suppose this is why some have speculated that such a remarkable individual could not have sprung from the bosom of mother Earth, but instead was the product of extraterrestrial intervention.
    I must admit that for a while the idea that Nikola Tesla was not of this planet held a certain appeal to me.  It would certainly answer a lot of questions about this enigmatic man - but of course it would also create even more questions that would be impossible to answer in my lifetime. So I was finally left with the simplest explanation on the true origins of Nikola Tesla. I have concluded he was an  extraordinary human the likes we so rarely see.
    My primary schooling was bereft of any education of Tesla or his great achievements. His name, in its absence, spoke of dark conspiracies and downright thievery.  In public, only the Tesla-coil stands out in honor of its namesake, but few know of the person for whom it is christened.      Textbooks held no place between its pages for this great man, and teachers rarely uttered his name.  Thankfully, some have come to recognize the great injustice that has been done to Tesla and have found a place in some classrooms to teach his history.  I think it would be safe to say that Nikola Tesla was the man who invented the 20th Century.
     But a mystery remains.
     A mystery that has been diabolical in its treachery not only to Nikola Tesla, but to humanity as a whole.
     We know that the United State Patent Office granted patents to many of Tesla's inventions.  These were inventions that Tesla and his investors saw as potentially profitable - the AC motor is an excellent example of one of Tesla's inventions that changed the world.   However, Tesla also invented an unknown number of other items that were never patented for one reason or another.  Tesla had a keen sense of what would garner financial interest, but he also worked on and developed technology that was simply for his own curiosity. Of these inventions, we know practically nothing.
     Remarkable by any standard, Tesla's  patents illuminate only his most purposive, practical work. As he often lamented, there just wasn't enough time to tame the racing of ideas in his head; so much had to be left incomplete. Some of the projects-- achieving an ultrahigh vacuum, a rocket engine design, experiments in directed beams and solar power--simply don't fit into the early 20th Century. Frequently he was content to publish his findings without regard to priority or patentability: he introduced in this way the therapeutic method now called diathermy.  Other ideas were simply written down with no attempt to patent or even publicize them.
     We now know that Tesla was interested and experimented in such "wild" ideas as free energy, antigravity, invisibility and even time travel.  Its no surprise that Tesla in his day was loathe to speak of these kinds of interests - after all, even today these areas of study still come under fire by some "mainstream" scientists, who refuse to use their imaginations and intellect, and scorn such interests with terms such as "bad science" and quackery.


     In my years as a military intelligence operative I came into contact with a number of top-secret programs that were either investigating, or, shockingly enough,  actively using technology based on some of Tesla's "wild" ideas.  Both the United States and Russia have active Particle Beam and RF (radio frequency) weaponry that has been in operation since the early 1970's - all as a result of Tesla's early 19th and 20th Century experiments.
     To say that there are other black budget projects involving Tesla-based research would wildly underestimate the total amount of research and development being conducted right now by many countries worldwide.  And these are the projects that we know about.  Who knows how many deep, dark, secret projects are being conducted right now with science that could be decades, even hundreds of years beyond what civilian science knows today.


     In 1895, while conducting research with his step-up transformer, Nikola Tesla had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields.  Part of this revelation came about from Tesla's experimentation with radio frequencies and the transmission of electrical energy through the atmosphere.  Tesla's simple discovery would, years later, lead to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk time travel projects.  But even before these highly top-secret military programs came about, Tesla made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel. 
     With these experiments in high-voltage electricity and magnetic fields, Tesla discovered that time and space could be breached, or warped, creating a "doorway" that could lead to other time frames. But with this monumental discovery, Tesla also discovered, through personal experience, the very real dangers inherent with time travel.
    Tesla's first brush with time travel came in March 1895.  A reporter for the New York Herald wrote on March 13 that he came across the inventor in a small café, looking shaken after being hit by 3.5 million volts, "I am afraid," said Tesla, "that you won't find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is I was almost killed today.  The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder.  If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly in might have been the end of me."
    Tesla, on contact with the resonating electromagnetic charge, found himself outside his time-frame reference.  He reported that he could see the immediate past - present and future, all at once.  But he was paralyzed within the electromagnetic field, unable to help himself. His assistant, by turning off the current, released Tesla before any permanent damage was done. A repeat of this very incident would occur years later during the Philadelphia Experiment.  Unfortunately, the sailors involved were  left outside their time-frame reference for too long with disastrous results.
   Tesla's secret time travel experiments would continue on in the hands of others who were not as concerned with humanity as Tesla.  We are left with rumors and speculations on who may have become the heirs of Tesla's research -- hopefully, someday these secrets will be revealed once and for all.

субота, 27. април 2013.

The Greatest Inventions Nikola Tesla Never Created

Inventor Nikola Tesla invented the radio, experimented with wireless electricity, and designed a death ray. In science fiction, his work goes even further. We list Tesla's greatest fictional inventions and the facts behind the fiction.

Long-Range Wireless Energy Transfer: Tesla explored the wireless transmission of energy through his work with radio and microwaves and his creation of the Tesla coil and the magnifying transmitter. But he sought to create a system where energy could be broadcast across vast distances. To that end, he constructed Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island, which was to function as a wireless telecommunications facility and broadcast electrical power. But JP Morgan, who financed the construction of the tower, eventually pulled Tesla's funding. Unable to find additional backers, Tesla was forced to abandon construction of the tower, and never fulfilled his dreams of creating a worldwide wireless electrical energy system.
The Witches of Chiswick by Robert Rankin: In an alternate timeline, Tesla teams up with mathematician Charles Babbage and create a highly advanced version of the 19th Century. Tesla's perfection of wireless energy transfer combined with Babbage's computer programming enable the pair to create autonomous robots, airships, and space-bound rocketships.
The Prestige by Christopher Priest: Tesla invents a device resembling the magnifying transmitter, but it succeeds in transmitting not just energy, but matter. The problem is that, while the machine transports matter to another location, it leaves the original matter behind, creating duplicates of objects, animals, and even human beings, with their memories intact.
Humanoid Robots: In 1898, Tesla demonstrated his radio-controlled boat, which he was able to control remotely. He presented it as the first of a future race of robots, which would be able to perform labor safely and effectively, and many credit the event as being the birth of robotics.
Five Fists of Science by Matt Fraction: Real-life friends Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain team up against Thomas Edison, JP Morgan , Guglielmo Marconi, and Andrew Carnegie to bring about world peace. Tesla's plan is to develop a series of super-powered robots operated through a virtual reality system and then gifting each country with such an automaton, ensuring that each nation has equivalent firing power.
Atomic Robo by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener: Nikola Tesla creates Atomic Robo, a wisecracking robot, war hero, and paranormal investigator. Together with the Action Scientists of Tesladyne, Robo battles supernatural forces and Nazi scientist Baron Heinrich Von Helsingard.
Death Ray: In the 1930s, Tesla claimed to have invented a particle beam weapon, or, as some called it, a "peace ray." The device was, in theory, capable of generating an intense, targeted beam of energy and sending it across great distances to demolish warplanes, foreign armies, or anything else you'd rather didn't exist. Tesla shopped the plans around to various national militaries, but never found anyone to finance its construction. It isn't known if Tesla ever developed a working prototype, and the plans for his death ray were never found after his death.
JLA: Age of Wonder: After laboring for Thomas Edison, Tesla strikes up a partnership with the Superman Clark Kent to develop inventions for the betterment of mankind. But during World War I, he joins forces with former Edison bookkeeper Lex Luthor to create a death ray to battle the Germans.
Area 51 by Robert Doherty: Various theories have swirled around the Tunguska Event, a powerful and mysterious explosion that knocked down a swath of trees in Siberia in 1908. Some have suspected Tesla's experiments were responsible for the blast; others blame a UFO crash. Doherty's series explains that it was a little of both: Tesla deployed his death ray to knock down an alien spacecraft.
Callahan's Key by Spider Robinson: Robinson also holds Tesla accountable for the Tunguska event, but says he deliberately knocked down the Siberian trees as a test firing. The trouble starts when government forces get their hands on the technology and use it to threaten the Earth. Fortunately, by then Tesla has become an immortal time traveler and is still around to stop them.
The Tesla Legacy by Robert G. Barrett: Tesla may not have built his death ray, but he may have created an entirely different, though still powerful, weapon. The United States Government has long kept secret Tesla's most dangerous invention: a doomsday device that could disrupt all communication systems on Earth. And it has been sitting for decades in the Australian desert.
Improved Airships: Tesla envisioned applying his theories on wireless energy transfer to improve transportation. He claimed that electrically-powered airships would transport passengers from New York to London in three hours, traveling eight miles above the ground. He also imagined that airships might draw their power from the very atmosphere, never needing to stop for refueling. Unmanned airships might even be used to transport passengers to a preselected destination or for a remote aerial strike.
Barnum!: As an evil Tesla threatens the United States, he evades the forces of American spy PT Barnum in his marvelous airship, where he sometimes hides Charles Babbage's stolen thinking machine. He's also got an armory of technological achievements at his ingenious fingertips, including a gyrocopter and a wearable device that lets him electrocute victims with a handshake.
The Venture Bros.: Rusty Venture's ancestor, Colonel Lloyd Venture, protects a mysterious Orb with Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, and Aleister Crowley, all members of a Guild, aboard an airship. But Tesla and the Avon Ladies launch an aerial assault against the Guild. Incidentally, the Sovereign of the later Guild of Calamitous Intent is David Bowie, the same man who portrayed Tesla in the film adaptation of The Prestige.
Wonder of the Worlds by Sesh Heri: Tesla creates an airship that not only sails through the skies, but also travels into space. In fact, Tesla's inventions are so impressive that Martian agents steal from him a powerful crystal engine, compelling Tesla to travel to the Red Planet with Mark Twain and Harry Houdini.
Super Electrotherapy: Engineer Georges Lakhovsky believed that people could achieve good health by adjusting the oscillation of their cells. He tapped Tesla to assist him in building the Multiple Wave Oscillator. Lakhovsky claimed the machine would improve health, remove pathogens, and even cure cancer, but many regard it as medical quackery.
Sanctuary: In infusion of vampire blood triggers Tesla's latent vampiric genes, transforming him into an amoral bloodsucker. It also makes him long-lived enough to perfect his inventions. He even finds a way to recreate the vampire race using his own blood and a portable electrical device. Incidentally, the same device results in deep brain stimulation, and can heal psychosis-inducing brain damage.
Generation Tesla: This version of Tesla also manages to escape death, in this case by transferring his consciousness to another plane of existence. His superhuman creations have also similarly come back from the dead, transformed as he resurrects them to battle evil.